Former NFL MVP Cam Newton removed from youth football event after scuffle

Cam Newton, former NFL MVP, escorted out of youth football event following altercation A video surfaced showing former NFL MVP Cam Newton involved in a scuffle at a youth football tournament in Atlanta. Newton, wearing one of his custom-made hats, was shoved by three people before the altercation was broken up by a policeman and … Read more

Pete Carroll removed as Seahawks coach and switched to advisory role

“Seahawks Transition Pete Carroll from Head Coach to Advisory Role” Pete Carroll, the head coach who led the Seattle Seahawks to their only Super Bowl title, has been removed from his position and will serve as a team adviser. The Seahawks announced the news, citing their appreciation for Carroll’s impact on the team and the … Read more

Brett Favre will not be removed from civil lawsuit stemming from Mississippi welfare funds misuse scandal

Getty Images The Mississippi Supreme Court has decided Brett Favre will not be removed as a defendant in a civil lawsuit over misspent welfare money in what has become the largest corruption case in state history. Favre has been linked to the welfare scandal involving the misappropriation of roughly $77 million that was supposed to … Read more