Source: 49ers interview Raiders safeties coach Alexander for DC job

Raiders safeties coach Alexander interviewed by 49ers for defensive coordinator position The San Francisco 49ers have interviewed Las Vegas Raiders safeties coach Gerald Alexander for the position of defensive coordinator. Alexander, a former NFL player, also has coaching experience at various colleges and with the Miami Dolphins and Pittsburgh Steelers. He joins a list of … Read more

Sources: Pack’s Alexander call to hinge on bonus

Pack’s decision on Alexander’s call hinges on bonus sources Green Bay Packers’ decision on whether to keep star cornerback Jaire Alexander will revolve around an $8 million roster bonus due on March 20. Alexander, who was suspended for appointing himself a captain and participating in a coin flip, has also missed games due to injury … Read more

Packers suspend cornerback Jaire Alexander for gate-crashing coin toss

Packers suspend Jaire Alexander for unauthorized presence at coin toss The Green Bay Packers suspended cornerback Jaire Alexander for one game due to conduct detrimental to the team, stemming from a coin-toss blunder that could have cost the club a possession. The incident occurred at the outset of the Packers’ narrow 33-30 win over the … Read more