Potential Replacements for Dan Quinn as Cowboys Defensive Coordinator: A Look at 12 Candidates
Dan Quinn is no longer a Dallas Cowboys coach, having accepted a head coaching job with the Washington Commanders. The Cowboys now need to find a replacement, and 12 potential candidates are discussed. Internal candidates include Joe Whitt Jr., Aden Durde, and Al Harris. External candidates include Don “Wink” Martindale, Sean Desai, Ron Rivera, and Brandon Staley. Each candidate is evaluated based on their coaching experience, scheme fit, and likelihood of being hired. The potential for internal candidates to follow Quinn to Washington as his defensive coordinator is also considered. Overall, the Cowboys have several options to consider in their search for a replacement for Quinn.
1. #DanQuinn
2. #WashingtonCommanders
3. #DallasCowboys
4. #DefensiveCoordinator
5. #NFLHiring
6. #JoeWhittJr
7. #AdenDurde
8. #AlHarris
9. #WinkMartindale
10. #SeanDesai
11. #RonRivera
12. #BrandonStaley
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