Two Bucs fumbles, two reviews: Dean Blandino explains what happened

Dean Blandino clarifies the occurrence of two Bucs fumbles and subsequent reviews

The article covers two recent controversial plays in the Bucs’ games and rules regarding fumbles in the final two minutes of a half. FOX Sports rules analyst Dean Blandino provides explanations and insights into the officiating of the plays, with both plays being reviewed and resulting in issues such as 10-second runoffs and time clock corrections. The article also contains highlights from NFL Week 10 games, including the Raiders beating the Jets and last-second field goal wins for the Lions, Seahawks, and Cardinals. There is also coverage of other viral moments and rankings in the NFL. Former NFL cornerback D.J. Hayden and five others killed in a crash in downtown Houston are also mentioned.

1. #NFLRules
2. #GregAuman
3. #NFCReporter
4. #DeanBlandino
5. #BucsAnalysis
6. #NFLReview
7. #TampaBayBucs
8. #NFLReplay
9. #FootballOfficiating
10. #NFLInsight

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