Eagles lineman Sills acquitted of rape, kidnapping

Tim McManus, ESPN Staff WriterAug 4, 2023, 04:57 PM ET Close Tim McManus covers the Philadelphia Eagles for ESPN. He joined ESPN in 2016 after covering the Eagles for Philadelphia Magazine’s Birds 24/7, a site he helped create, since 2010. You can follow him on Twitter @Tim_McManus. Philadelphia Eagles offensive lineman Josh Sills was acquitted … Read more

Acquitted on rape, kidnapping charges, Eagles OL set to rejoin team

The NFL removed Philadelphia Eagles offensive lineman Josh Sills from the commissioner’s exempt list Friday after being acquitted by an Ohio jury on charges of rape and kidnapping.  Sills, who was found not guilty on all charges, thanked the jury after the ruling before maintaining he did “nothing wrong.”  Sills was indicted shortly after Super Bowl … Read more