Dead hand of the immovable Glazers keeps strangling Manchester United | Jonathan Liew

The iron grip of the intransigent Glazers continues to tighten on Manchester United | Jonathan Liew The NFL players’ union survey revealed poor conditions in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers team facilities, with players facing unclean rooms, high expenses for basic services, and lack of respect from ownership. The Glazer family, also owners of Manchester United, … Read more

Jim Brown: an immovable fixture in American life with a complex legacy

100 Rifles is a spaghetti western that begs for judgment in its own time. Burt Reynolds smirks through his starring role as a biracial Native American hero. Raquel Welch, the full-blooded indigenous damsel in distress, adopts a horrific Mexican accent. But the thing that really offended sensibilities was Jim Brown getting top billing as the … Read more