Bold predictions for Sunday’s Cowboys and Cardinals matchup

Bold Predictions for Sunday’s Matchup between the Cowboys and Cardinals

The Dallas Cowboys are heading into Week 2 with momentum after a dominant win over the New York Jets. They will be facing the Arizona Cardinals, who have struggled defensively. The Cowboys are expected to have success running the ball against a weak Arizona defense. Additionally, quarterback Joshua Dobbs of the Cardinals has been lucky to avoid interceptions so far, but the Cowboys’ defense is predicted to intercept him twice, including a pick-six. Lastly, the Cowboys have a potent offense and are expected to score over 40 points in the game, leading to a comfortable victory.

#DallasCowboys #Week2 #CardinalsvsCowboys #NFLSunday #DominantWin #FreshOffWin #BoldPredictions #GroundAttack #RushingGameStrong #PointsOnTheBoard #LackOfTalent #DefensiveWeakness #MissingBestPlayer #InjuryBlow #SoftDefense #PlaymakersOnTheOutside #UnderneathThrows #RunningGameStrong #YardageGoals #TouchdownsOnTheGround #InterceptionTime #PickSixAlert #TurnoverRegression #LuckyStreakEnds #BestDefenseInTheLeague #QuestionableThrows #DefensiveTakeover #ScoringMachine #40Burger #OffensiveShowdown #NoStoppingThem #PlaymakersVsDefensiveLack

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